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Telcoin ICO

Our ICO is now live!

Build requirements

  • Yarn
  • Node.js 8.6.0 or newer


First, make sure you've installed development dependencies by running:


Next, start ganache-cli:

make ganache

Finally, to run tests, simply execute:

make test



To deploy the TelcoinSale:

  1. Run make bundle to create ./bundle/contracts/TelcoinSale.sol.
  2. In Parity's contract deployment view, load that file. Note that we're specifically avoiding truffle deploy to distance us from black magic as much as possible.
  3. Deploy Telcoin first followed by TelcoinSale. Provide the arguments listed below.

Telcoin arguments

Argument Value Meaning
_distributor 0x8322C7E7C14B57Ff85947F28381421692A1cF267 Our multisig wallet allocates distribution pools.

TelcoinSale arguments

Argument Value Meaning
_softCap 9000 ether Contract successful if 9000 ether received.
_hardCap 22500 ether Contract can finish early if 22500 ether received.
_capFlex 1500 Flexibly increase caps by 150% (250% total).
_startTime 1513022400 2017-12-11T20:00:00.000Z
_endTime 1518379200 2018-02-11T20:00:00.000Z
_rate 1 For every wei, give 1 sale/bonus token.
_wallet 0x8322C7E7C14B57Ff85947F28381421692A1cF267 Our multisig wallet.
_telcoin 0x85e076361cc813A908Ff672F9BAd1541474402b2 The address of the Telcoin ERC20 token contract.
_bonusVestingStart 1518465600 2018-02-12T20:00:00.000Z
_bonusVestingDuration 15552000 180 days.

Expected flow

  1. A Telcoin contract is created with a fixed total supply of 100,000,000,000.00 tokens, all of which are allocated to a multisig wallet for transfer to the various pools listed in the whitepaper.
  2. A TelcoinSale contract is deployed with the arguments listed above. A non-zero value must be sent to the contract, which will then be sent to the wallet as a way to verify that the wallet is capable of actually receiving funds.
  3. From the Telcoin contract, 25,000,000,000.00 tokens are transferred to the TelcoinSale. These tokens remain locked in the sale until it finishes.
  4. It is not possible to participate in the sale until the sale starts.
  5. Before or after the sale starts, the contract owner must call .whitelist(address, uint256, uint256, uint32) to whitelist investors one by one, or multiple at once by calling .whitelistMany(address[], uint256, uint256, uint32).
  6. Once the sale starts, whitelisted participants are able to either send Ether, or anyone can call .buyTokens(address) for a whitelisted address to purchase sale tokens.
    • Participants can also be allocated bonus tokens once their total contributions pass the whitelisted minimum amount. Bonus tokens will not be allocated earlier, but do apply retroactively once the minimum amount has been reached.
    • Additionally, owners can call .registerAltPurchase(address, symbol, transactionId, weiAmount) for a whitelisted address to register a purchase in an alternate currency. A transaction ID or another method of verification is provided in the transactionId argument, so that at the very least the existence of a transaction can be verified. These registered purchases are not eligible for direct refunds from the smart contract.
  7. Our soft and hard cap are based on USD equivalent values. Should the USD/ETH exchange rate change considerably, we reserve the right to update the capFlex scale factor, which can either increase or decrease both the soft and hard cap. The effective caps have fixed minimum values and are calculated based on the formula cap + cap * (1000 / capFlex).
  8. Sent Ether is locked in the TelcoinSale until .softCapReached(), at which point due to it already being obvious that the sale will succeed and therefore no refunds will be issued, the contract owner will be able to .withdraw() the balance accumulated so far. This reduces the risk of the contract getting hacked, and/or the full amount of funds getting permanently locked in the contract due to an error interacting with the wallet.
  9. Before endTime is reached, it is possible to extend the TelcoinSale by calling extendTime(uint256) with a desired time extension, no greater than 7 days from the original endTime.
  10. Once the TelcoinSale's endTime passes, the contract owner calls .finish() on the contract. This finishes the minting of both sale and bonus TelcoinSaleTokens, and depending on whether softCapReached(), may either cause a final withdrawal, or allow refunds to be processed by setting the refunding flag.
    • Alternatively, upon .hardCapReached() the sale can be finished early even if endTime has not been reached yet.
  11. If the goal was not reached, anyone will be able to call .refund(address) for any participant address, which will transfer the total amount deposited for the participant address to the participant address (importantly, not to msg.sender). The 25,000,000,000.00 Telcoin are returned to the wallet.
    • Since we have no control over the wallet the investor used, there is a risk that an investor's wallet may have been rendered unusable by e.g. the Parity wallet suicide, or their fallback address may attempt to perform work that exceeds the gas stipend. For this reason, we implement an additional failsafe that allows all remaining funds to be withdrawn after 14 days have passed. Refunds can then be processed manually from the wallet, which requires trust, but is certainly better than potential loss of funds.
  12. If the goal was reached, both the sale token and bonus token contracts are transferred a portion of the TelcoinSale's 25,000,000,000.00 Telcoin, proportionate to the combined amount of sale and bonus tokens.
    • The sale token provides a .redeem(address) method that upon being called calculates the portion of sale tokens the address holds and transfers a full equivalent portion of the Telcoin held by the sale token contract to the address. This method can be called by anyone.
    • The bonus token provides a .redeem(address) method that upon being called calculates the portion of bonus tokens the address holds and the amount that has vested so far, on a linear scale. An equivalent portion of the Telcoin the bonus token contract holds is transferred to the address. This method can be called by anyone, and can be called multiple times during the vesting period.
    • Even after all participants have redeemed their Telcoin balances, a small amount of Telcoin may remain in the sale and bonus token contracts due to decimal rounding. This small number of tokens and/or token fractions is considered lost.


The pre-sale has finished and is no longer available for new purchases.


To deploy the Presale:

  1. Run make bundle to create ./bundle/contracts/PreSale.sol.
  2. In Parity's contract deployment view, load that file. Note that we're specifically avoiding truffle deploy to distance us from black magic as much as possible.
  3. Deploy and provide the following arguments:
Argument Value Meaning
_goal 1 ether Contract successful if 1 ether received.
_startTime 1511899200 2017-11-28T20:00:00.000Z
_endTime 1512691200 2017-12-08T00:00:00.000Z
_rate 1 For every wei, give 1 PreSale token.
_wallet 0x8322C7E7C14B57Ff85947F28381421692A1cF267 Our multisig wallet.

Expected flow

  1. A PreSale contract is deployed with the agreed upon goal, startTime, endTime, rate and wallet arguments. These values were originally meant to be immutable, but following the Parity wallet suicide it was deemed necessary to have a method to change the wallet if needed. The endTime can also be extended by up to a maximum of 7 days as described below. A non-zero value must be sent to the contract, which will then be sent to the wallet as a way to verify that the wallet is capable of actually receiving funds.
  2. It is not possible to participate in the sale until the sale starts.
  3. Before or after the sale starts, the contract owner must call .whitelist(address, uint256, uint32) to whitelist investors one by one.
  4. Once the sale starts, whitelisted participants are able to either send ether, or anyone can call .buyTokens(address) for a whitelisted address to purchase pre-sale tokens.
  5. Sent Ether is locked in the PreSale until .goalReached(), at which point due to it already being obvious that the sale will succeed and therefore no refunds will be issued, the contract owner will be able to .withdraw() the balance accumulated so far in order to reduce the risk of either the contract getting hacked or the full amount of funds getting permanently locked in the contract due to an error interacting with the wallet.
  6. Before endTime is reached, it is possible to extend the PreSale by calling extendTime(uint256) with a desired time extension, no greater than 7 days from the original endTime.
  7. Once the PreSale's endTime passes, the contract owner calls .finish() on the contract. This finishes the minting of PreSaleToken, and depending on whether goalReached() or not, may either cause a final withdrawal, or allow refunds to be processed by setting the refunding flag.
  8. If the goal was not reached, anyone will be able to call .refund(address) for any participant address, which will transfer the total amount deposited for the participant address to the participant address (importantly, not to msg.sender).
    • Since we have no control over the wallet the investor used, there is a risk that an investor's wallet may have been rendered unusable by e.g. the Parity wallet suicide, or their fallback address may attempt to perform work that exceeds the gas stipend. For this reason, we implement an additional failsafe that allows all remaining funds to be withdrawn after 14 days have passed. Refunds can then be processed manually from the wallet, which requires trust, but is certainly better than potential loss of funds.
  9. If the goal was reached, the contract owner gains ownership of the PreSaleToken contract.
  10. The token owner is able to .allowExchanger(address) to add a trusted "exchanger" contract to the token contract.
  11. The exchanger has an e.g. .redeem(address) method, which calls .balanceOf(address) on the pre-sale token, calculates the amount of final or intermediary tokens to grant for their balance, and calls .exchange(address, uint256, string, uint256) to transfer the participant's pre-sale token balance to the exchanger's address. The exchanger should then grant the previously calculated amount of tokens to the participant. This requires a degree of trust from the participant, as the exchanger is able to make any decision based on the pre-sale token balance or any other factor.


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