DeepBlack NFT: Unlocking the Depths of AI Creativity

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Photo - DeepBlack NFT: Unlocking the Depths of AI Creativity
DeepBlack is the first-ever NFT collection entirely created by artificial intelligence, with no human intervention in the generation and selection of images.
The idea emerged among developers back in 2018, but the project was only realized in September 2019. At that time, most people were unaware of AI models capable of creating images like Midjourney or Stable Diffusion.

The mission of this collection is to ignite a wide-ranging public discussion about the potential role of AI in both the artistic and technological realms. This topic gained importance as many artists, photographers, and musicians began voicing concerns about copyright violations and the threats to their professional careers posed by this technology.

DeepBlack aims to show that the coexistence of artificial intelligence and human artists does not endanger creativity or artists themselves. On the contrary, it can make a significant contribution to humanity’s artistic legacy. Some art enthusiasts, including prominent NFT influencers, have embraced the project, calling themselves the "GAN Gang."

The creation of DeepBlack involved a modified Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), comprising two competing neural networks: the Generator and the Discriminator. The Generator produces an image based on initial training, while the Discriminator evaluates it against set criteria. This iterative process enhances both models over time.

For initial training, the developers used a dataset of 50,000 artworks, with the Discriminator's sole criterion being that the neural network could not identify the image as AI-generated. If the system detected a "fake," it was discarded. After generating all the images, the developers enriched them with metadata sourced from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
DeepBlack Collection. Source: OpenSea official website.

DeepBlack Collection. Source: OpenSea official website.

The collection features 3,074 unique NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain, showcasing a variety of traits that reflect popular art styles such as Impressionism, Realism, Baroque, and others. As of the time of writing, the floor price for an NFT from the DeepBlack collection stands at 0.82 ETH ($2460).

Despite the 10% creator royalty, the developers relinquished control over the collection’s smart contract, establishing minting and withdrawal limits at the program level. This means that any funds within the smart contract and newly created NFTs can only be sent to a zero address, effectively burning them.

Yet, the holders of these NFTs have full ownership rights to the images, including commercial use (unlike the more common practice where digital series creators only grant buyers rights to the NFT itself). A special service allows for exploration of all the collection’s images in a large collage format.

In 2022, the project's founder returned to the concept, creating a distinct NFT titled DeepBlack X Deep Black. This artwork, a mosaic of images from the DeepBlack series, pays homage to the famed Deep Black piece by the legendary artist Beeple (Mike Winkelmann). At the community's request and as a mark of respect for the artist, he transferred the NFT to Beeple's wallet.