Facebook Users React to SBF Being “So Different and So Unusual”

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Photo - Facebook Users React to SBF Being “So Different and So Unusual”
Reading about SBF is always delightful. Unless you’re an FTX investor, that is.
We came across a Facebook post that features a clip from the recent CNBC’s show “60 minutes” that tells the story of Sam Bankman Fried (SBF), with a caption “he’s so different, he’s so unusual.” 

We naturally know about this show – and have already published an article about it. However, we didn’t know just how far it went in glamorizing the image of SBF.
In this excerpt from the show, Michael Lewis, who authored a book “Going infinite: The rise and fall of a new tycoon” about SBF, says that the story of his life is that people don’t understand him “because he’s so different.” Ok... But what makes him so very different? 

Apparently, the fact that during the interview he shuffled cards, avoided eye contact and jackhammered his legs as well as his “attempt” to be a global goodie-doer.  
Lewis notes that after SBF graduated from MIT, he decided to devote his life to making as much money as possible for “philanthropy.”
“You can be a doctor in Africa, or you can go out and make as much money as possible to pay people to be doctors in Africa,” Lewis said, suggesting that SBF’s mastermind strategy was to do the latter. 
While we don’t know about SBF-sponsored doctors in Africa, what we do know is that his father was quite unhappy with his ‘meager’ salary of $200,000 a year and decided to put SBF’s mom “on this.”

Can a man really survive on such pennies?
A clear “no” if you’re part of SBF’s family, lover, and friend circle.
The comments under this video, however, suggest that Lewis’s attempt to portray SBF’s as a master strategist of philanthropy didn’t exactly strike a chord with the public. From “Crook is the best way to describe him” to “throwing other people's money at problems? Revolutionary. Why hasn’t the ruling class caught on to this one yet?” to succinct “Game over'', the reactions suggest that people are not impressed with the attempts to portray SBF as a martyr.
Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

The comment “The master of wealth redistribution…using others money! What a genius”, arguably, tops the list.
Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

So, all in all, we agree. SBF is very unusual and different. A fascinating man – as long as you keep your funds stored safely away from him.
Follow SBF’s trial on GN.