📣 Fed Hack Claims Dismissed

posted  26 Jun 2024
Photo - Fed Hack Claims Dismissed
The hacker group LockBit, which recently claimed to have breached the U.S. Federal Reserve and stolen over 30 TB of secret documents, only managed to release confidential data from Evolve Bank & Trust. This included information about file domains, virtual machines, and more.

Security experts and journalists are still analyzing the data released. According to many, the information does not pose a critical threat. However, clients of Evolve Bank are advised to change their account passwords or even block transactions as a precaution.
We suspected the affiliate (who probably doesn't know English) saw a document that said "United States Federal Reserve" and thought it was that,
stated the analytical X account vx-underground.
Before releasing the data, LockBit demanded that the U.S. government appoint a proper negotiator and pay a ransom, threatening to release all files openly if their demands were not met. Subsequently, they followed through on their threat. The Federal Reserve and U.S. law enforcement agencies have not publicly responded to these claims or addressed the situation.

LockBit, led by russian Dmitry Khoroshev, is known for its cyberattacks on major corporations including Boeing, ICBC Bank, and Bangkok Airways. In March 2024, the group's infrastructure—its website, servers, crypto wallets, and more—was hacked and disabled by international law enforcement agencies.

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