Law firm Brown Rudnick hired top crypto lawyers from competitors

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Photo - Law firm Brown Rudnick hired top crypto lawyers from competitors
Known for its partnership with Johnny Depp, law firm Brown Rudnick has taken the next step toward industry leadership. The ambitious team has been joined by top cryptocurrency lawyers who have worked with Coinbase and bitFlyer.
Stephen Palley, Preston Byrne, Hailey Lennon, and Matthew Richardson partnered with the law firm Brown Rudnick. Together with Jeff Karas, they will work with startups and companies at different stages of development, protocol developers, miners, investors, financial institutions, and other representatives of the blockchain industry.

 Previously, leading cryptocurrency lawyers were affiliated with rival company Blockchain and Virtual Currency group. Brown Rudnick is confident that the firm’s top talent will help it join the global leaders in the fast-growing blockchain and virtual assets segment.

 “This team of supremely talented lawyers brings the type of insights and skills that will benefit our clients by enhancing our ability to offer an end-to-end experience, particularly for those in the technology space,” said Vince Guglielmotti, CEO of the law firm.

 Stephen Palley, with Clara Krivoy, will lead the digital commerce division and will work with Matthew Richardson and Preston Byrne to consult in Brown Rudnick’s Washington, D.C., office. Hailey Lennon is proposed to work in Orange County, and Jeff Karas is assigned to the New York office.

 Clara Krivoy said the years of experience each new team member has seriously enhanced the law firm’s capabilities.

 “Not only are they world-class talent, but they will integrate seamlessly with our current team. These are exactly the kind of moves that will help us better serve our clients on a global basis.”

 The new partnership was the most recent in a series of strategic hires conducted in 2022. It focused on hiring lawyers working in the technology industry. In the future, the company plans to continue looking for talent in priority areas. 

What kind of cryptocurrency lawyers got hired at Brown Rudnick?

Stephen Palley

A specialist with more than 20 years of litigation experience. Has in-depth knowledge in the areas of technology and the U.S. regulatory environment. He is involved in software design and development and is chief outside counsel for media and technology startups and stable organizations.

Editor of Blockchain Law, an international legal journal, and a qualified insurance claims lawyer.

Hailey Lennon

Regulatory specialist for fintech and cryptocurrency businesses (SEC, FinCEN, OFAC, etc.), assisting in obtaining licenses. She is a certified anti-money laundering specialist.

 Previously worked with Silvergate Bank, Dolarex, FX Depot, Coinbase, and bitFlyer.

Matthew Richardson

A leading practitioner of cyberlaw. Author of the first book on combating cybercrime.

Government legal counsel, lecturer, author of several advances in IT law, and certified GDPR practitioner.

Preston Byrne

Consultant in cross-border legal matters (intellectual property, licensing, corporate work, government relations, etc.).

 Works with hedge funds, DeFi-protocol developers, farmers, miners, and software developers.

Jeff Karas

Advises on regulating and executing complex commercial and corporate transactions for technology companies, including crypto exchanges, miners, institutional investors, and DeFi protocol developers.