OpenAI Prepares to Launch Strawberry

posted  12 Sept 2024
Photo - OpenAI Prepares to Launch Strawberry
Bloomberg reports that OpenAI is on the verge of releasing its latest AI model, named Strawberry, which is expected to improve its ability to reason through tasks. A limited access release is planned for this week, though no public launch date has been announced.  

Strawberry’s enhanced framework aims to solve multi-step problems more effectively. The model will pause to assess related information and hints before generating a response, improving accuracy but potentially affecting processing speed.  
For instance, when asked whether the number 9.11 is larger than 9.9 — a question that may be simple for a human but isn’t always answered correctly even by state-of-the-art AI systems — the updated model was able to correctly determine that 9.9 is bigger,
according to Bloomberg analysts.
Although OpenAI declined to comment, it is widely known that other companies, including Anthropic and Google, are developing similar technologies. The competition is cutting into profits and investments but is pushing forward advancements in the AI field.  

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