$600 million for the development of the gaming industry: Andreessen Horowitz launched a new fund

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Photo - $600 million for the development of the gaming industry: Andreessen Horowitz launched a new fund
The founders or co-founders of companies such as “Roblox”, “Riot Games”, “Discord” and “Blizzard” have already joined the fund.
The company will be guided by gaming giants such as Riot Games’ League of Legends, Minecraft, and Fortnite. GAMES FUND ONE will invest in game studios, develop infrastructure and improve the gaming experience. According to the company, computer games have become not just a way of entertainment but rather social platforms with a multi-million fan base and their community. The company decided to pledge about 600 million US dollars for the development of the metaverse.
Our presence in the gaming field will expand. This direction can become key as games have changed dramatically. This is especially noticeable these days. From ordinary entertainment, they have grown much bigger and turned into social platforms with a large number of fans,
noted a16z.
The company believes that games can not only entertain but also be a catalyst for innovation in the consumer environment by introducing more advanced ways of engaging players, retention, and monetization.