🔥 A Grim Prediction for Sam Bankman-Fried

posted  6 Oct 2023
Photo - A Grim Prediction for Sam Bankman-Fried
In his view, the presence of nine women among the twelve selected jurors is a concerning factor. He believes that they are more likely to lean towards convicting the billionaire.

Specifically, he singles out social workers, a pregnant physician's assistant, and a schoolteacher as potential jurors who might sway the verdict against Sam.

Another negative factor, as Martin sees it, is the involvement of a correctional facility employee and a librarian in the trial. He predicts that they will advocate for sending Sam straight to the depths of hell, metaphorically speaking.

As a result, Sam Bankman-Fried's only glimmer of hope lies in the metro conductor with five children and a banker who is battling cancer. Martin believes that their personal circumstances might elicit sympathy from others if they support an acquittal.

Furthermore, a Ukrainian Bloomberg employee will be present at the court session, but Martin considers him a neutral figure who will maintain a purely impartial stance.

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