🌋 AI to Inevitably Trigger Workforce Cuts
posted 5 Apr 2024
According to staffing company Adecco Group, a significant number of top executives (41%) anticipate staff reductions and the automation of repetitive tasks with artificial intelligence. However, many have not fully succeeded in integrating this new technology into their operations.
The survey drew responses from a wide array of businesses across multiple countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, Japan, and Singapore. Denis Machuel, the CEO of Adecco Group, advocates for companies to educate their current workforce on AI technologies rather than outsourcing for specialists.
Ten years ago there was this big fear many jobs are going to be destroyed by digital, when actually lots of jobs have been created by the digital world,stated Adecco CEO Denis Machuel.
Adecco Group itself leverages artificial intelligence for creating client resumes and recognizes the significant potential of this technology. Representatives from the company have highlighted the successful completion of several consulting projects incorporating AI into their business strategies.
However, with the advancement of technology, its application has increasingly crossed over to illicit activities, including the generation of fake news, images, and video content. This issue was recently highlighted by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), following an analysis of social media posts.