AI Weight Trackers: Tested and Reviewed

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In today's world of self-improvement and fitness trackers, AI services for weight management are stepping up to help those striving to stay slim. Say goodbye to complex calorie counting. Now, neural networks can guide your journey to perfect shape.
We've tested several mobile apps that could replace not only a dietitian but also a fitness trainer and a psychologist, and we're eager to share our findings.If you find yourself rooting for the veg cutlet over the contents of your refrigerator, then our article is a must-read.

Disclaimer: No cookies are offered as rewards, so you may feel starving after reading.

Mama AI

Mama AI is an intelligent mobile app that calculates the caloric content of your meals from a photo. The neural network effectively recognizes complex combinations of foods (meat + vegetables, fish + grains, fruits, beverages).Users are given a trial version with 48-hour access to assess its features. To continue using the app, one must select from two subscription plans:

  • Basic: $9.99 per month
  • Premium: $29.99 per month
Mama AI Tariff Packages

Mama AI Tariff Packages

This program targets weight loss. Initially, you will be prompted to fill out a short survey detailing your height, weight, how many kilograms you aim to lose, and your preferred pace of weight loss.

Users can set their own pace for shedding pounds

Users can set their own pace for shedding pounds

After analyzing your data, Mama AI calculates the necessary daily caloric intake and predicts the date you will reach your desired weight, provided you stick to the diet plan.

Additionally, the program requests access to monitor your physical activity data (if such an app is installed on your phone) to fine-tune your meal plan based on the average calories you burn. 

Using Mama AI Involves Photographing Your Meals

Using Mama AI Involves Photographing Your Meals

Interacting with the app involves daily uploading photos of all your consumed food and drinks to the main page. This feature may even be enjoyed by those who fancy themselves advanced food bloggers, regularly posting every mango they eat on Instagram.

For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a recommended caloric intake is set. If a user exceeds these limits, the date they are expected to reach their goal weight is automatically recalculated. The app even accounts for every candy a colleague might offer you (but only if you admit this dietary indiscretion to your AI assistant).

Caloric Estimation from Photos

Caloric Estimation from Photos

Only holders of the Premium plan can assess the daily diet plans generated by the AI, based on test results. The application assures that each dish comes with a detailed recipe. It also considers the preferences of even the most discerning users—from vegans to kids who eat only fast food.  

Diet Plan for a Keto Diet

Diet Plan for a Keto Diet

Conclusion: Mama AI is a visually attractive, intuitively designed app. Even in its trial version, it provides all the essentials needed for effective weight control. Our rating: 5/5  

Snap Calorie

Snap Calorie is an engaging mobile application aimed at those looking to alter their weight. Using artificial intelligence, it offers tailored recipes for weight loss or gain based on data provided by the user. Users can submit their data via text, voice messages, photos, and even barcodes. The AI can process various file formats and adapt to different dietary needs, including vegan, raw food, keto, and paleo diets. A monthly subscription is priced at $12.50, or $150 annually, with a 14-day free trial available to test the app’s capabilities.

Initially, users complete a questionnaire to create a personalized plan. This questionnaire covers basic information such as age, weight, height, and activity level to establish a metabolic profile. It also asks more detailed questions about allergies and chronic conditions to ensure the diet plan avoids any harmful foods.

After this, the app generates a metabolic profile and devises a diet plan tailored to the user.

Metabolic Profile in Snap Calorie

Metabolic Profile in Snap Calorie

The app calculates the necessary daily calorie intake based on your objectives (whether you want to lose, gain, or maintain weight), while also taking into account daily physical activities like steps and stairs climbed. An advantage of Snap Calorie is its flexibility in data input. For instance, you can retroactively add a large milkshake you consumed at McDonald's the previous day. The AI will then adjust the caloric intake of your dinner, possibly removing higher-calorie items like a salmon fillet and allowing only a salad.

The app also features an interactive chat where the AI provides advice outside the scheduled meal plans, helping you make choices when you can't stick to the recommended foods.

Conversing with AI in Snap Calorie

Conversing with AI in Snap Calorie

You can ask various questions, and the AI responds based on your completed profile.
However, one downside noted is the ambiguity in some food quantity descriptions, such as "a handful of almonds," which can be unclear in terms of specific gram measurements.
Conclusion: Snap Calorie is a valuable tool for busy individuals who need a manageable way to track their diet without obsessing over every detail. Our rating: 4/5.    


Noom is an English-language mobile application that, according to its developers, not only assists users in losing weight but also helps them develop healthy habits to maintain a normal weight. It uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) principles to help users manage their eating behaviors by reducing anxiety and stress, which in turn can help normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The AI within the app is tasked with several functions: 

  • Conducting user assessments;
  • Assigning a personal human coach;
  • Designing a weight loss program tailored to the gathered data.

The initial assessment is comprehensive, taking into account possible contraindications such as bulimia or anorexia, and situations that might disrupt the program, like weddings or international travel. 

However, its major downside is its length; by the third set of questions ("At what age were you comfortable with your weight and what was happening in your life?"), the process can become tiresome, with four more extensive blocks to follow. 

It seems the developers were aware that not every user would be able to handle such a long list of questions, so the app often provides encouraging messages like "Well done!" and "You can do it!" 

After completing the first block of questions, the AI predicts the date when the desired weight might be achieved. These estimates can change as the assessment progresses. 

Timeline Calculations by Noom

Timeline Calculations by Noom

The app would be particularly appealing to those who enjoy taking various tests. It requires users to provide detailed information, even down to preferences in intimate partners, which seems to be important for creating a comprehensive health profile.

Each new block of the questionnaire changes visually, which provides some variety in the seemingly endless questions. 

Challenging Questions in Noom

Challenging Questions in Noom

As the process continues, the AI updates the timeline for when you might expect to lose the extra weight.

After completing all assessments, the app notifies users that "The plan is prepared and will be saved for only 15 minutes." To access it and finally proceed to your account, one must buy a subscription.

Limited Time to Purchase Noom Subscription

Limited Time to Purchase Noom Subscription

Users might find it frustrating to invest more than an hour in a 'trial version' assessment, especially when it still leaves them in the dark about the specifics of the program.
Is it expected that after navigating through an exhaustive test, the $120 cost for accessing the results would seem trivial?

Considering these points, we would be reluctant to recommend this app to our readers.