Anthony Hopkins launches an NFT collection

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Photo - Anthony Hopkins launches an NFT collection
The Eternal Collection of non-fungible tokens will include 10 versions of tokens featuring characters played by actor Anthony Hopkins.
The actor is creating the collection in collaboration with Orange Comet. According to Hopkins, the tokens will be on sale by mid-fall of 2022.

As Anthony Hopkins told himself, the culture of non-fungible tokens became attractive to him after the appearance of NFT with the movie “Zero Contact” in which the actor played one of the roles. He later purchased his first token and even consulted with his colleagues from the media space by tagging them in his Twitter post, asking for their help in choosing the first NFT to buy.

He also noted that for him personally, non-fungible tokens are a kind of canvas on which people can express themselves and create new format art. Also, it’s essential to the actor that through NFT, users can exchange feelings and share inspiration.
I’m probably the oldest guy in the NFT community and on social media, which proves all is possible at any age.
Hopkins said.
It is planned to release 10 tokens with the actor in various characters from famous movies, including Hannibal Lecter from the legendary “The Silence of the Lambs”. One of the goals of the collection will be to show different archetypes of the man and his personality: the hero, the creator, the rebel, the sacrificer, and the lover.

Some of the tokens will not be static pictures, but will be made in the form of small, animated videos of 30 to 60 seconds with a hundred variations each.

After the launch, the tokens will be available for purchase on the OpenSea platform.