🔥 Buterin Encourages Individual Participation in Staking
posted 16 Sept 2024
At Ethereum Singapore 2024, ETH co-founder Vitalik Buterin urged for more individual staking, highlighting its importance for the security and decentralization of the network. He noted that independent and diverse stakeholders can counterbalance centralized entities and reduce their control.
I think there is a lot of ways in which that can serve as this really important extra layer of defense regarding security and privacy,Buterin remarked.
He noted that even a modest share of solo stakers can have a dramatic impact on various scenarios, such as blockchain attacks. If, for example, attackers execute a 51% attack and seize control of the majority of the network, every percentage point could affect their capabilities.
In the event that attackers seize over 57%, they could finalize blocks and possibly split the blockchain if unopposed. Therefore, Buterin is advocating not only for increasing the number of solo stakers but also for raising the quorum threshold to 75%.