Coinbase director Conor Grogan was convinced of this. He suggested GPT-4 to check an active Ethereum contract for vulnerabilities. It was the PonziTokenV3 smart contract that was hacked in 2018.
GPT-4 coped with the task perfectly and pointed out all the security weaknesses that were targeted by exploits. The chatbot also provided information on the areas of possible use of the smart contract.
Will ChatGPT become a useful tool for the blockchain industry? According to Grogan, AI will help make smart contracts safer and easier to create, which is extremely important for the industry.
— Tell me what's going on with the code, buddy?
— I'm an artificial intelligence and I'm not authorized to say this, but this is a terrible scam, master!
Will ChatGPT become a useful tool for the blockchain industry? According to Grogan, AI will help make smart contracts safer and easier to create, which is extremely important for the industry.
— Tell me what's going on with the code, buddy?
— I'm an artificial intelligence and I'm not authorized to say this, but this is a terrible scam, master!