Elon Musk Unveils Advanced Tesla Bots

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Photo - Elon Musk Unveils Advanced Tesla Bots
Elon Musk, the former CEO of Tesla, unveiled an impressive update on the Tesla Bot project at a recent shareholders meeting. The video footage displayed the autonomous robots performing tasks with newfound proficiency, including steady walking, object recognition, and picking up items.
Significant enhancements to the Tesla Bot were highlighted in the presentation. Key advancements include superior control of motor torque, AI learning informed by human-guided movements, and refined object handling abilities. Notably, the bots were seen walking unaided in a straight line.

One remarkable demonstration saw a Tesla Bot transporting items from one container to another, illustrating the bot's capability to undertake tasks typically performed by humans. This act offered insight into how human demonstrations can be employed to train the bot's AI.

The first reveal of the humanoid robots took place at Tesla's AI Day 2022 in October. At the time, the robot's walking ability was limited, and its internal components were visible. A more finished version was also displayed but required staff intervention for stability.

Responses to the new video were varied across the internet, with some praising Tesla's achievement and others humorously vowing to confront the robot if encountered on the street.
