Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg

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Photo - Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg
Two billionaires have sparked intense speculation with their potential cage match. The rivalry ignited when Meta announced plans for a decentralized social network to challenge Twitter, prompting Musk to call out Zuckerberg as a “copycat.”
The anticipation grew further when angel investor Mario Nawfal revealed details about Meta’s upcoming product called “Threads.” Musk’s response to Nawfal’s revelation sparked a heated debate on the possibility of a cage match between the two CEOs. Twitter users pointed out that Zuckerberg now practices Brazilian jiu-jitsu, to which Musk humorously replied, “I’m up for a cage match if he is lol.”

The exchange continued as Zuckerberg posted an Instagram story saying “Send Me Location,” to which Musk suggested the Vegas Octagon as the venue. He even shared a move he calls “The Walrus,” in which he playfully claimed he would simply lie on top of his opponent and do nothing.

Verge confirmed that Zuckerberg is “serious about fighting Elon Musk” and is eagerly waiting for the details if Musk decides to proceed, but it still remains uncertain whether the cage match will actually take place.

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