🌋 Gary Gensler's Recent Remarks

posted  27 Oct 2023
Photo - Gary Gensler's Recent Remarks
In yesterday’s speech, the SEC Chair highlighted the commission's accomplishments in the past year and reaffirmed his views on crypto industry regulation.

Key points:

  • “We filed more than 780 actions, including more than 500 standalone cases. We obtained judgments and orders totaling $5 billion. Our work led to $930 million distributed to harmed investors.”

  • “Every day, we work to advance our mission and ensure the markets work on behalf of investors and issuers, not the other way around.”

  • “Most crypto intermediaries—transacting in these crypto asset securities—are subject to the securities laws as well.”

  • “We obtained 133 bars on individuals from serving as officers and directors—our highest in a decade. And don’t get me started on crypto. I won’t even name all the individuals we’ve charged in this highly noncompliant field.”

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