Metascapes NFT: AI’s Vision of the Natural World

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Photo - Metascapes NFT: AI’s Vision of the Natural World
Metascapes is a unique NFT collection of hyper-realistic landscapes crafted by AI, based on the works of acclaimed photographers.
The project was brought to life by photographers Cath Simard, Iurie Belegurschi, Ryan Newburn, who teamed up with the developer group Versus Lab. For the initial training of the model, they used over 2,500 edited photographs, enriching the system with diverse styles. Subsequently, they implemented a generative adversarial network (GAN).

This system comprises two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator, which collaborate and compete, enhancing their learning through this dynamic process. In Metascapes, the generator produced new images of landscapes, while the discriminator assessed them against real photographs to discern their authenticity. If deemed generated, the generator was prompted to refine its technique, and the image was rejected. The final collection was curated by the photographers, choosing their favorite outcomes.

Interesting fact: The NFT collection DeepBlack was also created using a GAN, albeit without any human intervention post-AI processing.

When selecting images, the creators prioritized the most lifelike versions with elements of the supernatural. They endeavored to evoke the eerie "uncanny valley" effect, a phenomenon where the viewer experiences discomfort or aversion due to an occurrence that straddles the boundary between reality and fantasy. Examples include classical zombies, exceedingly lifelike dolls, or people with unnaturally perfect proportions.

Metascapes comprises 2,555 unique NFTs hosted on the Ethereum blockchain, which includes 266 video pieces. These tokens are simply classified as either images or videos, without any unique attributes. Nevertheless, the developers highlight that certain NFTs are more rare than others. Currently, the base price for one of these non-fungible tokens is 0.0107 ETH ($42), with a creator royalty of 7.5%.
The Metascapes Collectio. Source: OpenSea

The Metascapes Collectio. Source: OpenSea

The Metascapes team notes that owners of the collection enjoy specific perks. For instance, some community members were invited to an NFT event in Iceland at the end of 2022. This event gathered photographers, artists, and other creatives who engaged in discussions and participated in outdoor panel sessions. Moreover, the creators have hinted at special gifts and creative airdrops, although they have not disclosed further details.

According to the project’s roadmap, there is a commitment to support emerging photographers and artists, including AI specialists, and to allocate a portion of the revenue from the collection to charitable causes. Specifically, the funds support the Give Back to Nature initiative, which focuses on tree planting to mitigate carbon footprints and seeks to engage blockchain projects.

Additionally, the Metascapes creators also curated the AI-generated NFT collection known as Mirascapes. A different team managed the training process and the format of generation, utilizing works from photographers and artists affiliated with the Mirage gallery, which specializes in AI-driven art. This digital series thus features 2,605 unique NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain, noted for their fantastical and vivid elements.
The Metascapes Collection. Source: OpenSea

The Metascapes Collection. Source: OpenSea

Metascapes is an attractive NFT collection that could captivate many art lovers, creatives, or general users who appreciate a certain aesthetic. However, in terms of ecosystem credibility, this series has yet to establish firm trust as it lacks detailed information about buyer benefits. For now, it is best considered primarily as a collector's item.