Michael Kozlowski: A Conduit for Generative Artistic Expression

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Photo - Michael Kozlowski: A Conduit for Generative Artistic Expression
American digital artist and software developer Michael Kozlowski, also known as Mpkoz, passionately explores generative graphics, augmented realities, and the world of decentralized tech in his artwork.
Hailing from the serene town of Kalispell, Montana, Michael Kozlowski now thrives in the bustling urban landscape of Seattle, Washington. His artistic prowess was nurtured at the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts, where he first crossed paths with generative art. After dedicating years to the tech industry, including a spell at Microsoft, Kozlowski shifted his full attention to his creative pursuits.
Deciding to take that class was one of those times in my life, where a single, seemingly insignificant decision impacted my future in a tremendous way,
Kozlovski muses about the transformative choice.
Kozlowski's work is a testament to his fascination with the endless possibilities of generative algorithms. Among his initial works is the Impossibilities series of animations, designed primarily for exhibition spaces and only viewable through specialized mixed reality glasses. This venture marked Kozlowski's initial exploration into this artistic avenue.

Forced Perspective stands as another hallmark project, featuring installations adorned with digital screens where animations maintain a three-dimensional allure, dynamically reacting to the viewer's movements. This immersive effect is achieved through a sophisticated camera system that captures movement at fifty frames per second, and sophisticated software that dynamically adjusts the image, crafting the illusion of a tangible object behind glass.
A piece from the Forced Perspective collection. Source: the artist

A piece from the Forced Perspective collection. Source: the artist's official website.

Kozlowski envisions a future where traditional two-dimensional paintings and videos evolve into more dynamic forms, revolutionizing both advertising and classical art. He believes such projects offer audiences a richer, more emotionally resonant experience with art—a philosophy he embeds in his NFT creations.
I believe generative art will have a tremendous influence on our experience and consumption of art within our lifetimes. Everything I do and everything I make is an attempt to push this transformation forward,
Kozlovski elaborates.
Chimera, one of his initial NFT collections, is a compendium of 987 generative animations on the Ethereum blockchain, launched on Art Blocks. This collection stands out for its reliance on generative code rather than pre-established media files, with animations spontaneously generated at the point of minting based on the transaction's hash value, ensuring their unparalleled uniqueness.
The Chimera Collection. Source: OpenSea

The Chimera Collection. Source: OpenSea's official website.

Viewers can explore Chimera NFTs on platforms like OpenSea, adjusting the perspective and pausing animations to capture a still image. At the time of this writing, the starting price for one of these NFTs is 0.71 ETH ($2400), with 7.5% designated as royalties to the artist. Initially, Kozlovski generously donated 25% of the proceeds from Chimera’s minting to support individuals battling cancer.

It's important to note that leading NFT marketplaces (such as Blur, OpenSea, LooksRare) have recently implemented optional royalty contributions, leaving it up to buyers to decide whether to compensate creators. This shift poses potential challenges for philanthropic endeavors within the NFT space.

Kozlowski's Metropolis collection, his second most celebrated work, was crafted expressly for Art Blocks and the digital gallery Bright Moments, blending NFTs with tangible experiences. Token minters were entitled to an additional NFT, claimable only through visits to galleries in cities like London, Berlin, New York, Mexico City, and Los Angeles—the very metropolises that inspired the collection.
The Metropolis Collection. Source: OpenSea

The Metropolis Collection. Source: OpenSea's official website.

Metropolis features 940 unique NFTs, created using a similar method to Chimera but devoid of interactive elements. Viewers can only witness the creation animation, revealing the final image—a process that, due to high resolution demands, is not universally accessible. The floor price for a Metropolis NFT currently stands at 0.24 ETH (approximately $837), maintaining a 7.5% royalty rate.

In all his collections and individual NFTs, Kozlowski persistently explores the realm of generative art, donating proceeds from his mintings to various causes, including aid for Ukraine through his Parnassus collection. As Kozlowski continues to push the boundaries of technology to enhance his craft, his journey in the art world is far from over, promising even more innovative explorations ahead.