Mini Miracles: NFTs Supporting Premature Babies

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Photo - Mini Miracles: NFTs Supporting Premature Babies
Mini Miracles is a pioneering NFT project specifically designed to support premature infants and their families in intensive care units. The creators themselves have experienced this issue firsthand and now seek to assist the little ones and parents enduring this challenging journey.
The Mini Miracles NFT collection is the brainchild of artist David Chiu and co-founders Patrick and Juliana, who are a couple and parents of premature twin daughters. The girls were born in 2020, at 24 weeks of gestation, each weighing just over 500 grams.
Mini Miracles are bringing salvation to premature newborns Source:

Mini Miracles are bringing salvation to premature newborns Source:

During the fight for their children's lives and health, Patrick and Juliana faced numerous challenges. These included a shortage of specialized medical facilities, frequent surgeries, their daughters being housed in separate rooms, and fleeting visits due to COVID-19-related restrictions. Despite interacting with numerous doctors, nurses, and social workers, the couple felt isolated and overwhelmed.

At this crucial juncture, the "Child Life" program, operating in one of the clinics, proved pivotal. The program's coordinators provided emotional support to parents and children, along with essential items like children's clothing, toys, feeding chairs, and rockers for the intensive care unit. Furthermore, they crafted milestones charts for the infants and collaborated with older patients to create artworks for the parents.

Inspired by the "Child Life" initiative, Patrick and Juliana decided to compile a resource guide for parents of premature newborns and organize fundraising efforts for families in intensive care. The first step towards this noble goal was the launch of the Mini Miracles NFT collection.  
Mini Miracles NFT collection Source:

Mini Miracles NFT collection Source:

Mini Miracles comprises uniquely generated NFT babies on the Ethereum blockchain, each featuring over a hundred different characteristics. Each generative baby is unique, with varying traits of rarity. Mini Miracles NFTs can be acquired in two ways: by purchasing them on OpenSea or minting them independently on the project's website. The creators aim to release 8,000 NFTs, with a portion of the proceeds going to the "Child Life" program and other charitable causes.
The creators of the collection, Patrick and Juliana, along with their prematurely born daughters Source:

The creators of the collection, Patrick and Juliana, along with their prematurely born daughters Source:

We will continue to bring awareness to NICU families' struggles every day by growing our web2 & web3 partnerships. We will be launching an online merch store to grow our brand which will help fuel our donation efforts. The development of the Mini Miracles Fund will help further other family-based NFT projects. This project will always be centered around helping families when they need it the most,
as stated on the Mini Miracles website.