NATIX Network: A New Token Sale on CoinList

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Photo - NATIX Network: A New Token Sale on CoinList
CoinList is launching a new ICO for NATIX Network, a project in the Internet of Things sector, which still represents a somewhat exotic niche within Web3. In keeping with our traditional reviews, we'll delve into the details of the token sale and evaluate its potential prospects.
What is NATIX Network?

NATIX Network merges technologies from Web3, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence to forge a geospatial intelligence network, utilizing both users and their devices (such as smartphones). It is designed to ensure data privacy and security using AI and computational technologies. As part of its initiative, the project has introduced a mobile app, NATIX Drive&.
As reported by Cryptorank, the project raised $8.1 million through a seed funding round in 2023 and a strategic round in 2024. Investors include IoTeX (Tier 2), Borderless Capital (Tier 3), Blockchange Ventures (Tier 3), Moonrock Capital (Tier 3), and Tioga Capital Partners (Tier 4), among other backers.

NATIX Tokenomics

NATIX serves as both the governance and utility token for the network, aimed at facilitating operations and encouraging collaboration among participants in the ecosystem. The total supply of NATIX tokens is 100 billion.

NATIX Features:

  • Supports the operation of nodes (xNodes) and provides incentives for network validators.
  • Offers voting rights and the ability to propose initiatives for NATIX stakers.
  • Can be exchanged for points within the Drive& app, which reward user contributions and can be used to unlock premium features and make in-app purchases.

NATIX Token Distribution:

  • Team and advisors – 20%. Unlocking – 9-month cliff followed by a 30-month linear vesting.
  • Incentivization pool (rewards, staking, ecosystem, and community) – 37%. Release based on product usage; gradually over the project's lifespan.
  • DEX/CEX liquidity – 8%. Fully unlocked at TGE.
  • Early investors – 24.9%. Of these, 10% will be unlocked at TGE, with a 6-month cliff, followed by a 20-month linear vesting.
  • Public sale – 5%. Of these, 25% will be unlocked at TGE, with a subsequent 6-month linear vesting.
  • Reserve – 5.1%. Of these, 25% will be unlocked at TGE, with a subsequent 48-month linear vesting.
NATIX Token Distribution Source:

NATIX Token Distribution Source:

NATIX Token Sale Conditions on CoinList

Sale Duration: From May 16 to May 23, 2024 (17:00 UTC).
Token Price: $0.001.
Total Tokens Available: 5 billion NATIX (5% of total supply).
Purchase Limits: Between $100 and $2000 per buyer.
Unlocking Schedule: 25% of tokens will be available at TGE, with the remaining tokens released linearly over 6 months.
Expected Date of TGE: June 25, 2024 (or around this date).

Project Overview

The NATIX project appears intriguing, though further analysis is necessary to ensure compliance with international data collection and usage laws related to mapping. Nonetheless, the project emphasizes its commitment to data privacy.

Cryptorank notes that NATIX has primarily been funded by Tier 2 and Tier 3 investors, with no significant backing from Tier 1 funds. The token sale page lists several prominent brands as partners, though their exact level of involvement remains unclear.
Partners and Companies of the NATIX Network Ecosystem Source:

Partners and Companies of the NATIX Network Ecosystem Source:

From a tokenomics perspective, the NATIX token not only serves a governance role but also provides utility within the ecosystem, which is a positive feature. The structure that allows token sale participants to access a quarter of their tokens before those allocated to the team and advisors may mitigate some risks of price pressure. However, the ability of early investors to sell 10% of their holdings at TGE could still exert downward pressure on the price.

This token sale structure also stands out from previous CoinList offerings by setting a relatively lower maximum purchase amount, thus democratizing access to the tokens compared to previous sales where whales could dominate.

Note: This article does not constitute financial advice. Always conduct thorough research before making investment decisions.

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