Parfin, Gnosis Safe, Hex Trust and GK8 in business: MetaMask expands offer for customers due to new partners

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Photo - Parfin, Gnosis Safe, Hex Trust and GK8 in business: MetaMask expands offer for customers due to new partners
Managing a decentralized finance wallet (DeFi. ed.) and browser extension, MetaMask was able to reach agreement on partnerships with major players in the crypto industry. Currently the company is integrating Parfin, Gnosis Safe, Hex Trust and GK8 to expand offerings for its customers.
According to preliminary reports, these integrations will give DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations, ed.) new key management tools to participate in DeFi via the institutional version of the MetaMask Institutional (MMI) wallet. In addition, MMI is going to give access for organizations to DeFi and Web3.
Our partnership will enable funds, exchanges, DAOs and traditional financial institutions which choose MMI, to work in a perfectly managed environment with manageable risks,
the company said.
As for the difference between browser wallets and MMI, asset management plays a role. In the case of MMI, the managed assets are custodial. In 2021, for example, the company showed strong growth by accelerating its Web3 implementation and tripling its user base in just one month. And in March of this year, SonsenSys closed a $450 million financial round. It’s worth noting that MetaMask is planning to add support to Apple Pay. This will allow wallet users to buy crypto and tokens using this payment system, but spending no more than $400 per day.