Paris 2024: The First AI Olympic Games

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Photo - Paris 2024: The First AI Olympic Games
The XXXIII Summer Olympic Games, scheduled for late July to early August 2024 in Paris, will be the first Olympics managed by artificial intelligence.
Sports have always attracted attention from global tech giants and innovative startups alike. Every element that contributes to an athlete's success—from equipment and gear to track surfaces and customized training programs—is not only the work of coaches but also of developers, technologists, and manufacturers. 

In the era of artificial intelligence, the Olympics are set to also become a showcase for the latest advancements in AI technology.

In April 2024, the IOC presented the AI agenda dedicated to the upcoming games. 

IOC President Thomas Bach stated, "Today, we are making another step to ensure the uniqueness of the Olympic Games, and the relevance of sport - and to do this, we have to be leaders of change, and not the object of change."

He indicated that the competitions in Paris would be the first instance of implementing a comprehensive AI usage strategy at a global sporting event.

Thomas Bach has no existential fears that artificial intelligence will replace humans in the world of sports or take their jobs. He insists that competitions will remain a human domain, but AI can enhance the spectacle and transparency of sports events.
We are determined to exploit the vast potential of AI,
Bach states.
Intel has partnered with the International Olympic Committee to manage all technological aspects of integrating AI in organizing and executing Paris 2024. Jean-Laurent Phillippe, EMEA Chief Technology Officer Intel, has shared insights on AI's extensive applications at the Paris Olympic Games.

The true stars of any sports event are the fans and spectators. An estimated 600,000 people are expected at the opening ceremony, with over 3 billion worldwide viewers across the duration of the Games.

An 8K HDR, 60-frames-per-second (FPS) stream will be broadcast globally almost instantaneously. AI applications will adapt this feed for every type of viewing device, from handheld tablets and smartphones to vast screens in stadiums and public spaces.
Viewers at home and at the event will be able to tailor on our phone or on our 8K big-screen what we want to see,
Jean-Laurent Phillippe noted.
AI will be particularly valuable for instant replays of critical moments. Traditionally, viewers have had to wait to see replays of significant actions like a goal scored or a record jump. Typically, this preparation takes time, and often the replay is aired while the game continues. With AI, these pivotal moments can be replayed instantly or during the next suitable break in the action.

AI is poised to greatly assist managers servicing the Games by providing accurate data on crowd sizes, not only in stadiums but at all fan congregation points. This will enable organizers to know precisely where to direct resources such as food and beverages, where to deploy volunteers, or where to enhance police patrols.

Additionally, AI will also support athletes and their coaches. For instance, a bot could guide competitors on where and when they should be according to the Games' schedule and their individual plans. It could also provide real-time updates on match outcomes or competitor metrics.
In terms of the training for the athlete themselves, AI will be able to help even further, especially in sports that are less hyped. Because there's less content, so it's less easy to check yourself or compare yourself against others,
Jean-Laurent highlighted.
Interestingly, AI's support could start well before the Games begin, even during the athlete selection process. Jean-Laurent Philippe discussed an experiment conducted in Senegal a few months ago where AI analyzed the metrics of thousands of young athletes after the event. It identified 40 athletes who met global standards and one whose training exceeded that of NFL players. Unfortunately, none were detected by scouts at the time. This has prompted plans to incorporate AI technology in this phase of Game preparation. 

Furthermore, Sotiris Salamouris, Technical Director of the Olympic Broadcasting Services, noted another benefit. Typically, all athletes maintain social media profiles that fans globally engage with, and content involving them often goes viral. Now, collecting and editing the most compelling content can be delegated to AI, allowing athletes and their support teams more precious time for training or relaxation. 
I think that in a very short time, it will be impossible for us to think that there was a time that we were doing the Olympics without having huge AI support in all aspects of planning and operations, presentation, whatever. It will become so integrated it will not be noticed,
Sotiris Salamouris predicted.