Passive income: The highest staking rewards

Photo - Passive income: The highest staking rewards
Staking is an effective way to earn passive income with crypto, without involving yourself in trading, but using your existing holdings. Why not capitalize on it? Let's review the best staking platforms with the highest interest rates.
Staking is a great alternative to low-margin bank deposits or energy-consuming mining. PoS networks pay good rewards for your assets to help and improve transaction validation for a certain period. The longer you have been locking up your coins, the higher the staking reward you will get. The interest rate depends not only on the length of a lockup period but also on additional options, such as early termination of the staking process. Annual staking offers the highest percentage yield. However, you can find short-term offers at high-interest rates. With flexible (open-ended term) staking, you can unlock and return your assets at any time without losing interest. 

To start earning passive income, all you need to do is choose the right product and platform and compare interest rates. We decided to do that for you and compiled a review of the top CEXs with the highest staking rewards. Why just passively hold (HODL), when you can passively earn?!


This exchange offers many options with flexible conditions (flexible staking): 

LooksRare (LOOKS) at 286% APY, 
Serum (SRM) at 255% APY, 
SWEAT (SWEAT) at 96% APY, 
JST at 90% APY, 
IOTA (IOTA) at 64% APY, and 
OpenDAO (SOS) at 61.66% APY.

Two fixed-term options are worth noting: The Open Network project, known for its connection with Telegram, offers up to 65% for a 15-day TON staking, and Lingose offers up to 62% APY with LING staking.


This exchange offers the highest rewards for long-term staking. 

With SYLO staking you can earn up to 150% APY, 42-day term, and 30% APY with SIGN, 90-day term. 

The exchange offers also another staking option, limited to a certain number of coins (in practice it is valid only for a few days) – HFT tokens can be staked for 7 days at 100% APY. The option is only open for 2.6M coins, so once that amount is reached, it will automatically expire.


This exchange offers its users to deposit funds on a SMART Staking plan, which is now called "Crypto Deposit". The following interest rates are offered for a maximum term of 360 days:

Tether (USDT) - at 30% APY,

Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Eos (EOS), Stellar (XLM), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Cardano (ADA), and a long list of other liquid coins – at 28% APY.

WhiteBIT is known for its reliability, so the offers cover mostly top coins with high market demand and liquidity.


This exchange offers to earn the highest profits by lending assets to its liquidity pools.

You could stake coins at the FTT/BNB pool, before the FTX collapse, at 216.81% APY. 

ANT/BNB pool - up to 65.33% APY,

HARD/BNB pool - up to 56.13% APY,

CHZ/BNB pool - up to 53.66% APY,

SOL/BNB pool - up to 53,47% APY.

Why staking?


Low risk: Staking keeps PoS networks secure, they have a robust mechanism to protect locked assets.
Stable passive income: Staking interest is calculated and added to your balance on a daily basis.

How it works
Stakers lock their assets in blockchain nodes to support the network and receive staking rewards.

Interest calculation

Once you staked your crypto, interest will be calculated starting at 00:00 (UTC) the following day. Asset holders will receive daily rewards until the end of the staking period (in case of fixed-term staking), or until they decide to get their locked assets back (in case of flexible staking).

Whatever the staking rewards, always do your own research (DYOR)! Before investing in any asset, dig into the fundamentals of the project and the coin, its current condition, and future plans (roadmap). All investments carry some degree of risk, so you should always treat financial operations responsibly, and understand their feasibility and possible consequences. 

With a well-reasoned approach, staking will become a new way to earn passive income, boosting your portfolio and returns.