🌋 Polymarket Disputes Its Oracle Service on Barron Trump's DJT Role

posted  27 Jun 2024
Photo - Polymarket Disputes Its Oracle Service on Barron Trump's DJT Role
Following reports that Martin Shkreli and Donald Trump's son, Barron, were involved in launching the DJT token, a betting market titled "Was Barron involved in DJT?" appeared on Polymarket.

The majority of participants wagered on "No," with total bets surpassing $1 million.

Subsequently, the oracle service UMA determined that Barron had no involvement with DJT, and therefore, the "No" outcome should prevail. However, Polymarket disputed these conclusions.

The platform’s team announced that they are developing a short-term solution to the issue and promised to update on further procedures today.

Meanwhile, Polymarket’s competitor, PolyBet, has seized the opportunity to criticize them. In social media comments, PolyBet accused Polymarket of having ambiguous terms and rules.