Solana network collapsed for 7 hours

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Photo - Solana network collapsed for 7 hours
The main reason for the network collapse was the huge number of transactions sent by mining bots with which validators could not manage. The bots worked through one of the projects based on the Solana network - “Candy Machine”.
The collapse occurred at eight o’clock on Saturday evening and lasted seven hours until three o’clock of Sunday night. After the network was fully restored. According to the report, in total, four million transactions were recorded. This failure was Solana’s seventh collapse this year. Such constant network failures have caused dissatisfaction among a large number of users and experts. Previously, the longest failure of 48 hours was also caused by too many transactions, which were carried out by bots. One of the largest projects based on Solana Metaplex has already announced that the failure was caused by their bots and this issue will be regulated more strictly.
We have united to fight this and will soon adopt all necessary punishments for bots in the program, as part of a more normal functioning of the network,
Metaplex noted.
So, the program responsible for the bots will be fined. Also, those wallets, which will try to process invalid transactions will be subject to penalties of 0.01 SOL or $0.85. Such measures will be taken to stabilize the network and stop the collapse of Solana.