Wikimedia Foundation plans to stop accepting donations in digital currencies

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Photo - Wikimedia Foundation plans to stop accepting donations in digital currencies
The non-profit charitable organization Wikimedia Foundation is going to refuse contributions in cryptocurrencies. 71.17% of Wikimedia community users voted for this decision. The survey was conducted from January 10 to April 12, 2022. About 400 users participated in it. The calculation did not take into account the votes of unregistered participants and users who created new accounts.
Among the main arguments against the use of digital currencies, the respondents noted: Users who voted in favor of digital donations noted the existence of more environmentally-friendly cryptocurrencies, the benefits of such donations for residents from despotic states, and the harm that fiat currencies also do to environmental sustainability. The Wikimedia Foundation has been accepting donations in cryptocurrencies since 2014, immediately converting them to fiat. In 2021, they amounted to 0.08% of total donations. However, after conducting the survey, the Wikimedia community will send a request to the charitable foundation to stop accepting digital currency contributions.