3 articles found
Pavel Durov: The "Web-Totem," an Architect of Telegram and VK
Pavel Durov, the visionary behind VK and Telegram, is celebrated for his staunch defense of freedom, sometimes likened to the real-life Neo from The Matrix. Known for what some fans claim is the best-looking torso on the internet, Durov began his tech journey as a university student in 2006 and has since amassed a fortune of $15.5 billion.Nokia predicts a metaverse boom by 2030
Nokia Corporation believes that metaverses have a bright future and is planning to become involved. As Nokia sees it, metaverses will not only be designed for individuals, but also for companies, and eventually, they will be segmented according to target audiences. Looks like Nokia is getting ready to enter the matrix.1 - 3 of 3 results