Dimitra: Empowering AgriTech with Blockchain Technology

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Photo - Dimitra: Empowering AgriTech with Blockchain Technology
Dimitra Incorporated is an AgriTech company offering blockchain-based applications for both state and private farmers, with its registration in Belize.
Dimitra's products, besides using distributed ledger technology, are grounded in machine learning and Internet of Things technology. The applications provide data through satellites, genomics, and agricultural research.

As stated on Dimitra's website, these solutions contribute to increased crop yield, reduced costs and risks in the agri-sector.

Dimitra was founded by Jon Trask and Peter Thorsteinson. In 2023, Jon Trask was honored at the Government Blockchain Association Annual Achievement Award ceremony for his work on socially significant projects.

Dimitra's Applications

Connected Farmer

This free app is designed for small-scale farming businesses. It is available in mobile and web versions. Supported languages include English, French, Arabic, Hindi, Nepali, with plans to add Mandarin, Bengali, Ukrainian, and others.

Through this app, private farmers can register, fund, and insure their operations. It also simplifies record-keeping and provides plant cultivation and livestock farming recommendations. An expanded range of services includes a marketplace for purchasing fertilizers, satellite weather condition analytics, sensor management, cattle genetics tracking, and much more.

Thanks to the use of blockchain, farmers can expect data confidentiality, security, and privacy.

Livestock Genetics 

This platform is for businesses engaged in livestock farming. It optimizes processes related to cattle breeding and rearing. It allows for feed management, calculating the necessary daily ration per head. With satellites transmitting data to Livestock Genetics, the condition of pastures can be assessed and the location of animals can be tracked.

The global mission of the platform is to improve livestock genetics and fertility. This is achieved by gathering veterinary data and comparing it with genetic mapping information. This process is aided by artificial intelligence.
Application Screenshot of Livestock Genetics, source - dimitra.io

Application Screenshot of Livestock Genetics, source - dimitra.io

Connected Coffee

This application caters to various parties in the coffee-making process:

  • Farmers who cultivate coffee trees
  • Enterprises procuring raw materials
  • Grinding stations
  • Warehouses
  • Importers and exporters

For example, farmers can access platform recommendations to enhance the quality and yield of coffee beans, leading to greater productivity and profitability. These insights are derived from agronomic research and machine learning. Importers and exporters, meanwhile, can track and oversee the entire production process, from the farms to distribution.
Application Screenshot of Connected Coffee, source - dimitra.io

Application Screenshot of Connected Coffee, source - dimitra.io


This app facilitates acquiring deforestation certificates for producing timber products, ensuring all parties comply with the set requirements.

This app also harnesses satellite technology, AI, and blockchain. Thanks to these technologies, farmers can monitor deforestation and abide by the regulatory conditions, reducing the chances of fraud.

When a client transfers fiat funds for deforestation certificate, Dimitra submits the required documentation and pays the necessary government taxes. It then converts part of the received funds into its proprietary DMTR token to create a blockchain certificate and process transactions. After this, the tokens are burned, while the data remains in the network. 

DMTR Utility Token

DMTR is an ERC-20 utility token launched on the Ethereum blockchain in 2021. 

The total supply is capped at 1 billion coins, with 384.6 million DMTR currently in circulation. 20% of the total supply is reserved and locked for the team, investors, and consultants.
DMTR token distribution infographic, source - White Paper Dimitra

DMTR token distribution infographic, source - White Paper Dimitra

Tokens can be staked to maintain the functionality of the Dimitra network, offering an annual yield of 13%. Farmers also receive DMTR as rewards. In general, tokens are integral to all processes involving confidentiality, identification, and governance in the platform's apps.