"Finish Him": Exciting NFTs on Solana

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Photo - "Finish Him": Exciting NFTs on Solana
Want to feel old? This compilation of NFTs will certainly help you.
Ok, so NFTs might not be exactly in vogue these days but that doesn’t mean they’re not fun.

Today, GN news presents you with NFTs on SolSea, the biggest NFT platform on Solana that “introduces NFTs with embedded licenses, lowest trading fees, and real-time analytics from on-chain data.”

And these are not just your regular pictures of Apes (yeah, we know you’re tired of them).

In fact, these NFTs belong to the good old arcade period. So let’s check them out.

Sonya wins!

If you’re a kid from the 1990s, there’s a high chance that you go a little cuckoo every time you hear the lines “test you might” or “flawless victory.” Especially if the Mortal Kombat score is on, which sort of makes you want to show your unique karate moves even if they’re completely non-existent. Though his NFT is not listed at the moment, we still invite you to check it out. 

It’s fun.

Just like Sub-Zero.
Mortal Kombat 1 arcade. Source: solsea.io

Mortal Kombat 1 arcade. Source: solsea.io


Ok, so this game is probably not in line with the modern sentiment where women no longer want to be saved. Let alone by obscure plumbers. However, back in the day, the idea of a guy dressed in a funny tracksuit and wearing an uncle-like mustache seemed to have a great appeal to people.
If you’re keen on reliving those days, then this might be your chance to do so. Priced at 3500 $AART, it is available on the platform at the time of writing.
Mario Bros arcade. Source: solsea.io

Mario Bros arcade. Source: solsea.io

Ninja Turtles

What brings together the Italian art, pizza, and some gutter turtles living underground?
The answer is of course the Ninja Turtles. Named after the Italian Renaissance artists (and not vice versa, you know), they are busy defending the city Batman-style while also listening to a rat disguised as some spiritual leader. Better known as Splinter.

Still, he’s a rat, kids, don’t forget about it. The NFT is available for 4 $AART.
Ninja Turtles arcade. Source: solsea.io

Ninja Turtles arcade. Source: solsea.io

PacMan the annoying

Can you hear it? We sure can. It’s as if someone is standing next to your ear making clinking sounds. 

That’s exactly the kind of sound PacMan makes when eating the little dots while trying to escape the chase. Good stuff. Especially on a winter day in the 1980s when not many people had access to the internet. 

Yes, life was that bad. Try reliving those days for just  4 $AART!
PacMan arcade. Source: solsea.io

PacMan arcade. Source: solsea.io

Mr. Burns wants your soul

Homer and Marge, Bart and Lisa, and of course all the other characters, including the obnoxious Mr. Burns.

The Simpsons is nothing short of an iconic show that’s been running for over thirty years now. It’s fun, it’s cheeky, and full of quotes and predictions. Just think of all the Trump episodes that indeed predicted the rise of the megalomaniac tycoon to power.  

Kind of scary, right? Not if you’re Trump though. 

Priced at 20 $AART, the NFT is ready to be bought.
The Simpsons arcade. Source: solsea.io

The Simpsons arcade. Source: solsea.io

We hope that you enjoyed our overview. Let us know which is your favorite arcade game by tagging us on X (Twitter).

Previously, GN news shed light on an NFT-funded movie The Quiet Maid.