Astrographz: The Whisper of Stars on Blockchain

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Photo - Astrographz: The Whisper of Stars on Blockchain
Astrographz is a unique NFT collection that features authentic and captivating photographs of space, from nebulae to entire galaxies.
Launched in mid-2021, the collection was created by renowned astrophotographers, aerospace engineers, and planetary scientists including Bray Falls, Connor Matherne, William Burns, Trevor Jones, and Franco Meconi. 

Bray Falls, for example, is a photographer who specializes in deep-space images. He actively shares his work on Instagram, offers educational courses, and is committed to discovery. Falls, alongside colleagues Yann Sainty, Marcel Drechsler, and Xavier Strottner, confirmed the existence of an oxygen nebula located next to the Andromeda Galaxy.

The team dedicated significant time to analyzing data and produced over 110 hours of photographs with varying exposures to compose an "average" image of the celestial object. Falls also produced a video explaining his involvement and detailing the complexities for a general audience. Later, the presence of the oxygen arc was additionally verified by international astronomical groups.
We got a talented crew of astrophotographers together and it’s an honor to be launching this collection with them,
Falls remarked on the launch of Astrographz.
Another member of the Astrographz team, astrophotographer and planetologist Connor Matherne, specializes in studying the northeastern region of Mars. His photographs have garnered widespread acclaim and have been featured in magazines, books, and on specialized websites. In addition to his photography, Connor is actively involved in education, delivering lectures on planetology and astrophotography.

Despite the involvement of such skilled professionals, none had experience in creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This gap was filled by New Zealand photographer Kaleb Johnston, who had previously found success with the NFT collection Wavelength, which amassed over 2500 ETH in trading volume (equivalent to $5.9 million at current rates). He took on the role of curator for this cosmic series.
The Astrographz Collection. Source: OpenSea

The Astrographz Collection. Source: OpenSea

Astrographz features 77 unique NFTs, each characterized by diverse attributes such as the age and type of celestial body, and its distance from Earth. Currently, the floor price for one token stands at 0.22 ETH ($543), with an additional author’s royalty of 10%. It's important to note that acquiring Astrographz on the open market is difficult, as more than 90% of collectors are not inclined to sell their NFTs, making it a rare and valuable collectible in today's NFT market.

Moreover, the developers recently treated Astrographz owners to an airdrop, releasing a special video NFT titled "Planet Earth" in a limited edition. Created by Kaleb Johnston, it features a 3D animation of Earth in space, complete with shimmering continents and a radiant sun. 77 tokens were distributed—one per eligible user—and despite being given to their new owners for free, many have yet to be sold.

Unfortunately, since the release of Astrographz, the creators have ceased all activity on official platforms, indicating that there may be no forthcoming updates. It seems that the project participants have returned to their regular occupations. Nonetheless, Astrographz has undoubtedly left a lasting imprint in the crypto world.