Free Sports Gear from The Sandbox

posted  4 Jul 2024
Photo - Free Sports Gear from The Sandbox
Owners of avatars from The Sandbox’s official collection have been awarded a monthly gift of a random sports uniform set for their characters. The five available sets include judo, swimming, basketball, gymnastics, and fencing.

Those with at least one set of Sandbox Team uniforms can join the SAND rewards program by completing a minimum of 30 tasks. The developers have introduced four events: Reggae Golf, Lumpinee Boxing Verse, Sport Manager Legends, and Sosyal League Arena.
If the necessary quests are completed, you’ll receive five SAND plus the Burning Victory Staff weapon NFT at the end of the month,
The Sandbox announced.
Players can exchange the uniform they received for another through the secondary market or win alternate sets during special live streams. Note that all rewards require passing the Know Your Customer (KYC) process.