On October 31, Bitget Wallet introduced Bitget Wallet Lite, a Telegram-based crypto wallet that lets users buy, hold, and transfer digital assets without leaving the messaging app.
Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram, was detained by French police on August 24 as his private plane landed at an airport near Paris. Initially, the reasons for his detention were unclear.
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) "deciphered" the seed phrase of a cryptocurrency account as part of Operation Kraken. Authorities seized approximately $9.3 million from Jay Jay Je Yoon Jung, a suspected developer of the encrypted messaging app Ghost.
The South Korean government has reached out to social media platforms, including the messaging app Telegram, demanding the removal of deepfake sexual content from their servers. Officials have identified Telegram as a major conduit for the distribution of such material.
During his keynote at the Token2049 conference, Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, unveiled various blockchain integrations within the messaging app, including built-in NFTs and a new profit-sharing strategy for content creators.